3rd €uro-Championships
On 19.12.2004 in Gymnase de la coque - Luxembourg.
Sen.I IDSF Standard

Final results
Place Couple Country

1. Slawek LUKAWCZYK / Edna KLEIN (135) Belgium
2. Rene EWALS / Ymke LEMMENS (145) the Netherlands
3. Stefan KOLIP / Inge KOLIP (116) Germany
4. Martin STIEWING / Claudia KLEINEHEISMANN (143) Germany
5. Aldo CAPITANI / Michela FERRARIS (115) Italy
6. Juergen STEIN / Karin STRECKEISEN (120) Switzerland
3rd round
7. Massimo FERSINI / Rie FERSINI-MIYAKAWA (157) Switzerland
8. Bernd KETTURKAT / Sandra KETTURKAT (150) Germany
9. Alexandr GURYEV / Muriel QUIEVREUX (144) France
10. Ed VAN UDEN / Trudy VAN UDEN (154) the Netherlands
11. Fred LAVIN / Anette LAVIN (114) Germany
12. Kurt FLOHBERGER / Edith FLOHBERGER (156) Austria
2nd round
13. Uwe TIMROTT / Isolde FÖRTSCH (142) Germany
14. Frank WEILER / Gabriele KLAESER-WEILER (119) Germany
15. Pascal BEY / Mercédes BEY (163) France
16. Robert DUB / Sylvia SCHAEFER-NOUZA (146) Austria
17. Ronny ROMIJN / Anne ROMIJN (138) the Netherlands
18. Andrey GOROBTSON / Valentina GORBTOVA (162) Belgium
19.-20. Martin BRAUN / Betina BRAUN (153) Germany
19.-20. Guenther NAGEL / Antje NAGEL (159) Germany
21. Werner BRUNNER / Petra BRUNNER (128) Germany
22.-24. Frans SEIJ / Boukje SEIJ (133) the Netherlands
22.-24. Jaap WILLEMSTEIN / Marianne WILLEMSTEIN (140) the Netherlands
22.-24. Jörg HOLZHÄUSER / Petra HOLZHÄUSER (121) Germany
25. Rudi BOERMANS / Erna WILLEMS (139) Belgium
26. Stephan BETH / Helene BARBIER (129) France
27.-28. Franz-Peter SCHWINDELING / Cornelia SCHWINDELING (152) Germany
27.-28. J-Yves MURZIN / Christine MURZIN (161) France
29. Jörg BÖHM / Heike BÖHM (147) Germany
30. Thierry BATIN / Cécile BATIN MARIE (122) France
31. Jörg SAALMANN / Kerstin KOBLUHN (123) Germany
32. Dominique MUNSCH / Nathalie MUNSCH (126) France
33. Christian HOFFMANN / Martine HOFFMANN (141) France
34. Franz STEINER / Susanne GREEN-STEINER (130) Germany
35. Aldo PICCARRETA / Piccarreta ANDRÉE (160) France
36. Josef FELTES / Petra FELTES (151) Germany
37.-40. Philippe VALADE / Sylvie VAN MULLEM (155) France
37.-40. Daniel TROUVÉ / Ann-Marie TROUVÉ (137) Germany
37.-40. Willy HAPPAERTS / Brigitte VAES (148) Belgium
37.-40. A M W VAN DE RIET / M E VAN DE RIET-GEENE (149) the Netherlands
Monique De Maesschalck (Belgium), Martin Odstrcil (Czech Republic), Hazel Fletcher (England), Petra Tomasovicova (Slovakia), Prof. Siegfried Udo Schellander (Austria), Branko Bohak (Slovenia), Galina Goulai (Russia), Luis Delgado Pozo (Spain), Piet Rullens (Netherlands), Olivier Da Rosa (France), Daniele Missiroli (Italy)
Cmp: Hubert de Maesschalck (Belgium), CM: Milan Tomasovic ()

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